My Notes on Twitter/X Guidelines

Nov 10, 2023
A comprehensive guide that I follow which provides valuable insights into optimizing Twitter usage for engagement and reach. The guide covers key elements such as a checklist for quality tweets, optimal posting times, interaction with followers, use of hashtags and mentions, and profile optimization. It also outlines a detailed posting schedule, tips for monitoring and adjusting strategies based on performance analytics, and practices for using hashtags and mentions effectively. Additionally, it provides a thorough strategy for discovering and engaging with trending topics. This resource is ideal for anyone looking to enhance their Twitter/X strategy and engagement.

Tweet Checklist

  • Quality Content: Ensure your tweets are informative, engaging, or entertaining. High-quality content is more likely to generate interactions like likes, retweets, and replies.
  • Use of Media: Incorporate relevant images, videos, or GIFs, as tweets with media often engage users more than text-only tweets.
  • Optimal Posting Times: Tweet when your audience is most active. This increases the likelihood of immediate engagement, which can boost the tweet's visibility.
  • Interaction with Followers: Engage with your followers by replying to comments and participating in conversations. This can increase the chances of replies and retweets.
  • Hashtags and Mentions: Use relevant hashtags and mention other users when appropriate. This can help your tweets reach a wider audience and potentially increase engagement.
  • Consistency: Regular posting can help in building a dedicated follower base, which might lead to consistent engagement.
  • Trending Topics: Participate in trending conversations relevant to your interests or industry. This can increase visibility and engagement.
  • User-Focused Content: Tailor your content to the interests and preferences of your target audience.
  • Profile Optimization: Ensure your Twitter profile is complete and engaging, as this can influence follow-backs and interactions with your tweets.
  • Analyze and Adapt: Use Twitter Analytics to understand which types of content perform best with your audience and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Posting Schedule

  • Monday to Friday (Weekdays):
    • Morning Post (7 AM - 9 AM): Start the day with a motivational quote, industry news, or a quick tip relevant to startups and indie hacking. This captures early risers and people checking their social media at the start of their workday.
    • Midday Post (12 PM - 2 PM): Share an insightful article, a poll, or an engaging question during lunch hours. This can encourage interaction while people take breaks.
    • Evening Post (5 PM - 7 PM): Post content like a detailed thread, a success story, or a personal insight from your experiences in the evening when people are winding down.
  • Weekends (Saturday and Sunday):
    • Late Morning Post (10 AM - 11 AM): Since people might wake up later on weekends, a late morning post can work well. This could be a more relaxed, personal, or reflective post about the week's learnings or achievements.
    • Afternoon Post (3 PM - 4 PM): Share something light and engaging, like a fun fact about the startup world, an interesting anecdote, or a preview of what's coming in the next week.
Additional Tips
  • Consistency Over Frequency: It's better to post regularly than to post frequently but irregularly. Choose a frequency you can maintain.
  • Engage with Replies and Mentions: Set aside time to interact with any replies or mentions you receive. Engagement isn't just about posting; it's also about building a community.
  • Special Content for Special Days: Consider having specific themes for different days of the week (e.g., #MotivationMonday, #TechTipTuesday).
  • Flexibility: Be prepared to adjust your schedule based on engagement metrics and feedback from your audience.

Monitoring and Adjustment

  • Regularly check your analytics to see which posts are performing best and at what times.
  • Be open to adjusting the schedule based on this data. For instance, if you notice higher engagement in the evening, consider adding more evening posts.
This schedule is just a guideline and should be adapted based on your audience's preferences and your capacity to create content. The key is to be regular and predictable, so your audience knows when to expect new content from you.

A Good Hashtag

  • Relevant: The hashtag should be relevant to the content of your tweet and your audience. It should resonate with the interests of your target followers.
  • Specific: Specific hashtags are more effective than overly generic ones. For instance, #TechStartups is more targeted than just #Business.
  • Trending but Not Overused: While it's good to use trending hashtags, overly popular ones might cause your tweet to get lost in the noise. Balancing popularity with specificity is key.
  • Understandable: The hashtag should be easy to understand and interpret. Avoid overly complicated or lengthy hashtags.
  • Branded Hashtags: For building a brand or a campaign, create a unique branded hashtag. This should be memorable and consistently used across your posts.

When to Use a Hashtag

  • Topic Relevance: Use a hashtag when your tweet relates to a trending or relevant topic within your industry or area of interest.
  • Events or Conferences: If you’re tweeting about a specific event, conference, or webinar, include the official hashtag of the event.
  • Joining a Conversation: Use hashtags to join broader conversations on Twitter. This is a way to engage with users beyond your current followers.
  • Campaigns and Promotions: If you’re running a campaign or promotion, create and use a specific hashtag to make all related tweets easily searchable and trackable.

When to Use Mentions?

  • Direct Engagement: Mention other users when you are directly referring to them, their content, or if you want to attract their attention to your tweet.
  • Collaborations and Credits: Use mentions to credit sources, collaborators, or to acknowledge contributions from others.
  • Starting a Conversation: Mention someone you want to start a conversation with, especially if it’s relevant to their interests or expertise.
  • Networking: Mentioning relevant influencers, industry leaders, or peers can be a part of your networking strategy.
Best Practices
  • Don’t Overdo It: Avoid using too many hashtags or mentions in a single tweet, as it can look spammy and reduce engagement. One to three hashtags per tweet is often recommended.
  • Context is Key: Ensure that your use of hashtags and mentions adds value and context to your tweet, rather than just being there for potential visibility.
  • Regular Monitoring: Keep an eye on trending hashtags in your field and the performance of your own hashtags to continually refine your strategy.

Discover Trending Topics

Discovering trending but related topics on Twitter, especially those pertinent to your interests or industry, involves a combination of using Twitter's built-in tools and external resources. Here’s a strategy to effectively find these topics:
1. Twitter Trends
  • Twitter's Trending Section: Regularly check the 'Trends for you' section on your Twitter homepage. It shows trending topics and hashtags based on your location, who you follow, and your interests.
  • Explore Page: Visit the 'Explore' tab to see a wider range of trending topics and news stories.
2. Hashtag Searches
  • Search Relevant Hashtags: Regularly search for hashtags that are commonly used in your industry or area of interest to see what’s currently being discussed.
  • Follow Industry Hashtags: Keep track of a few key industry-specific hashtags to stay updated on relevant trends.
3. Industry Influencers and Leaders
  • Follow Key Figures: Follow influencers, thought leaders, and organizations relevant to your field. They often discuss or initiate trending topics.
  • Twitter Lists: Use or create Twitter Lists of influential people in your industry to see a curated feed of their tweets.
4. Twitter Analytics Tools
  • Third-Party Analytics Tools: Tools like TweetDeck, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social offer features to track and analyze trending topics and hashtags.
  • Google Trends: For broader insights, Google Trends can show you the popularity of search terms and topics over time.
5. Social Media Monitoring Tools
  • BuzzSumo: A tool for content research that can show you the most shared content on social media for certain topics or keywords.
  • Brandwatch: Provides insights into trending topics and consumer sentiment across social media.
6. Participate in Twitter Chats
  • Engage in Twitter Chats: Participate in Twitter chats relevant to your field. These are usually centered around trending topics.
7. Industry Forums and Blogs
  • Online Communities: Platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn groups, or specific industry forums can be early indicators of trending topics.
  • Industry Blogs and Newsletters: Subscribe to influential blogs and newsletters in your field.
Best Practices
  • Regular Monitoring: Make it a habit to regularly check these sources.
  • Engage and Experiment: Engage with trending topics by tweeting about them, using the trending hashtags, and observing the engagement you receive.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with news and updates in your industry to naturally understand emerging trends.
By combining these approaches, you can stay ahead of the curve in identifying and engaging with trending topics that are relevant to your area of interest. Remember, the key is not just to find these trends but also to participate in the conversation in a way that adds value for your audience.

© Daniel Zheng 2022 - 2024